Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Relay For Life

Relay for Life is coming up again here April 25-26th. Like last year, I am participating on the Apparel Merchandising and Design Team. If you are unaware of the event, hundreds of people camp out on the quad from 6pm-6am. Someone from each team has to be walking around the quad at all times. There are games, activities, bands, a drag show, etc. to help pass the night. The sole purpose of the event is to raise money for cancer. Each team sets a goal and each individual team member has a goal as well. My personal goal is $100 and our team goal is $600. That shouldn't be hard to accomplish, but we need help! I'm not sure yet what our on-site fundraiser is going to be, but last year we did an impromptu "Pie in the Face" to raise more money. Hopefully it won't snow like it did last year. If you would like to help support Relay For Life, please click on the link here which goes to my personal page and make a donation!! :) Any contribution you might be able to make will be greatly appreciated!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I finally have internet at home, so I sent $ to your website.