Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Spring Break is Over...

...and I just can't seem to do anything right. After a short week off of school that was filled with too much driving but some quality time with family and friends I never see, I just can't seem to get back into the swing of things. Yesterday started off fairly well. I woke up late but still had time to shower and made it to my 8am meeting at work with enough time to type up my report. I made it through a couple classes on an empty stomach (typical during the week as I never have time for breakfast), registered for classes for next semester, and realized I left my stuff for apparel design and my school i.d. at home, which I needed to get an academic progress report for my appointment with my advisor. Fortunately I have an hour break between all of my classes. So I run home, grab my stuff, eat a nice lean cuisine, and head out again. Then my phone went off in mads, I dropped my folder, spilling music all over the room, my stand wouldn't stand straight, I couldn't read right, and as everyone left for a delicious lunch at McAllister's, I had to leave to go to my advising appointment...which actually isn't until tomorrow. It was also pouring at this point so I sit in the lobby of Turner soaking wet and trying to finish up my drawings for apparel design. I couldn't finish my collages in the 2 hours we have for class, so now I have to go buy a glue gun so I can finish them for tomorrow. I took a short nap and went to a 2 hour recital that I fell asleep at...all so I don't have to do my theory homework for tomorrow.

I got to bed around midnight last night and set my alarm for 9am thinking I didn't have class till 11. Around 9:15 I realized that actually my voice lesson is at 10! I still made it on time but accidently threw my pencil across the room once. I somehow made it through my next 2 classes, ran home real quick and then off to work where it was completely dead. The rain must have scared people off because we had 0 appointments all day and very few phone calls. I then proceeded to make numerous silly mistakes that had no affect on anything but my self esteem since everyone continued to make fun of me. I got home after my rehearsal for John Todd's recital (where I nearly fell off of my wobbly chair) and I realized I forgot to go buy a glue gun, among other things I am in need of. So I decided to watch American Idol and will head out soon. I only hope I don't have any accidents like burning my hand off....
I love the Beatles. And Richard Avedon (who made this one). He was a fashion photographer. You should google him. He's awesome. :)

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